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Showing posts from October, 2013


Japan's  space agency has successfully test-fired a "space cannon" designed to launch a projectile into an asteroid as part of the search for the origins of the universe. The device will be aboard the Hayabusa-2 space probe that is scheduled to take off in 2014 and rendezvous with an asteroid identified as 1999JU3 that orbits between Earth and Mars in 2018. Once in position close to the asteroid, the space cannon will detach itself and remotely fire a 4lb metal projectile into the surface of the miniature planet. "An artificial crater that can be created by the device is expected to be a small one, a few meters in diameter, but ... by acquiring samples from the surface that is exposed by the collision, we can get fresh samples that are less weathered by the space environment or heat," the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said in a statement. The mother craft will then land close to the crater and user a small rover to collect samples that w...

value of e

this is the value of e e  (mathematical constant) The number  e  is an important  mathematical constant  that is the base of the  natural logarithm . It is approximately equal to 2.71828, [1]  and is the  limit  of  (1 + 1/ n ) n  as  n approaches infinity, an expression that arises in the study of  compound interest . It can also be calculated as the sum of the infinite  series [2] The constant can be defined in many ways; for example,  e  is the unique  real number such that the value of the  derivative  (slope of the  tangent line ) of the function  f ( x ) =  e x at the point  x  = 0  is equal to 1. [3]  The function  e x  so defined is called the  exponential function , and its  inverse  is the  natural logarithm , or logarithm to  base   e . The natural logarithm of a positive number  k ...

beyond our solar system

Oddballs: The strange worlds beyond our Solar System Continue reading the main story Related Stories A home from home: Five planets that could host life Over the last two decades, astronomers have catalogued around 850 planets outside our Solar System. And the search for worlds orbiting other stars is turning up some weird and wonderful characters. From a scorched gas giant that's darker than coal, to a planet packed with diamond, here are some of the oddballs-in-chief. Quadruple sunset In a memorable scene from the film Star Wars, Luke Skywalker looks out over the horizon while two suns set in the sky of his home planet Tatooine. Astronomers have already discovered several "Tatooine" systems, where planets orbit double stars. But this year, a team comprising volunteers and professional astronomers reported finding a planet  illuminated by four stars  - the first known of its type. Continue reading the main story PH1 Type: Giant planet Distance: ...

diamond rain

'Diamond rain' falls on Saturn and Jupiter By James Morgan Science reporter, BBC News Diamond rain could be "the most common precipitation in the Solar System" the authors say Continue reading the main story New atmospheric data for the gas giants indicates that carbon is abundant in its dazzling crystal form, they say. Lightning storms turn methane into soot (carbon) which as it falls hardens into chunks of graphite and then diamond. These diamond "hail stones" eventually melt into a liquid sea in the planets' hot cores,  they told a conference . Continue reading the main story The biggest diamonds would likely be about a centimetre in diameter - "big enough to put on a ring, although of course they would be uncut," says Dr Kevin Baines, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He added they would be of a size that the late film actress Elizabeth Taylor would have been "proud to...